Troop 1396

Lake Ridge, Virginia

Webelos Guide

A Guide for Webelos Cub Scout Leaders

Here are some details below, some of which you may already know, for your information for joining the Boy Scouts -- specifically Troop 1396.

You are welcome to visit any meeting evening -- please check our Calendar and make prior coordination with the Scoutmaster.

Scouts BSA Troop 1396 meets on Tuesday evenings through the year at Lake Ridge Middle School.  Our meetings start at 7:30 pm, though sometimes it takes 5-10 minutes for a quorum to arrive and for the boys to get organized.  Everyone enters through the school's main entrance, the one near the school office on the East side of the building.  Once you enter the front, keep going straight ahead -- down that hallway -- 3/4 way down on the right. (The meeting is held in the all-purpose room/cafetorium.) 

We need to be sure the Webelos Scout is qualified to join Boy Scouts -- in his case, that basically means he must meet the age requirements –- a boy who has completed the 5th grade, is 11 years old, or has earned his Arrow of Light.  In the sidebar is some information borrowed from the BSA website's "Webelos-to-Scout Transition."  

So, he completes his Boy Scout Application and Health and Medical Record form and pays his Troop fees.  Once that's been done, he'll be recognized (formally introduced to the boys in the Troop) at the first meeting after he joins, and we'll make sure he has his proper uniform items (unless he had already received some at a bridging ceremony).  Bridging -- Troop 1396 cap and Boy Scout epaulets; pay Troop fees -- Troop 1396 red T-shirt; achieve Scout rank recognition -- Scout rank patch, a Troop 1396 neckerchief, and slide.

Then he can get to work immediately on Scout Requirements.  He'll receive recognition as soon as it's earned unless delayed for presentation at a Troop Court of Honor.  Advancement requirements, Tenderfoot through Eagle, are signed off by the Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, and, for some of the Tenderfoot, 2nd and 1st Class hands-on requirements, by our senior Scouts.  For merit badges, we have quite a few counselors in our Troop, and also have access to Prince William District Merit Badge Counselors.  (As with most merit badges, just about everything has to be presented to the merit badge counselor, even though the activity itself might be done with a practitioner.)

With coordination, we can be ready to work on Webelos-to-Scout transition requirements with your Webelos when they visit:

The ongoing relationship of the leaders from the Pack and Troop is the key factor in improving the Webelos Transition, ensuring that Webelos Scouts become Boy Scouts.

Webelos to Scout Transition

It should be the goal of the Cubmaster and Webelos Den leader to graduate every Webelos Scout into a Scouts BSA Troop. The key to accomplishing this is to begin promoting Boy Scouting when Cub Scouts are still in their Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Dens, and to "sell the sizzle" of the great outdoors. Scouting should be viewed as an ongoing adventure, and the progression should be as normal as moving from elementary school to middle school.

Pack Responsibilities

Troop Responsibilities

BSA Webelos to Scout Transition