Troop 1396
Lake Ridge, Virginia
Scout Leadership Positions
Leadership is a uniquely important part of Scouting and is required for advancement to Star, Life, and Eagle. All positions require some additional level of responsibility. Being the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) or a Patrol Leader (PL) is a privilege and an honor requiring an extra commitment level to Scouting and the Troop. It is impossible to be an elected Scout Leader without being heavily involved with all the activities of the Troop. Everyone should be aware that there are numerous non-elected leadership positions available within the Troop. These positions are appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader with guidance from the Scoutmaster. In general, these Leaders are expected to participate to the same level as the SPL / PL.
Term of office: Six months, and not more than two consecutive terms. Must be at least rank of 1st Class.
Participation and Responsibilities: Scouts desiring a Leadership Position must naturally understand that a leader has certain responsibilities. For example, proper uniform as prescribed for each Troop event is a must. A position of responsibility is required for advancement to Star, Life and Eagle, as follows:
Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class: No specific position of responsibility requirements
Star requirement 5: While a First Class, Scout, must serve actively for four months in one or more of the acceptable positions of responsibility listed in the next section. (Or he may carry out a Scoutmaster-approved leadership project to help the Troop.)
Life requirement 5: While a Star Scout must serve actively for six months in one or more of the acceptable positions of responsibility listed in the next section. (Or he may carry out a Scoutmaster-approved leadership project to help the Troop.)
Eagle Scout requirement 4: While a Life Scout must serve actively for six months in one or more of the acceptable positions of responsibility listed in the next section. (The Scoutmaster-approved leadership project is not an option for Eagle.)
Acceptable positions of responsibility in our Troop: Patrol leader (but not Assistant Patrol Leader), assistant senior patrol leader, senior patrol leader, troop guide, Order of the Arrow troop representative, den chief, scribe, librarian, historian, quartermaster, bugler (for Star and Life only), junior assistant Scoutmaster, chaplain aide, instructor, webmaster or outdoor ethics guide.
Meeting Attendance:
The Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) and Patrol Leaders (PL) must be present for at least 80% of all regular troop meetings and not miss more than two consecutive Troop meetings during their six-month term.
Monthly Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) Planning Meeting, usually 1st Sunday or at the campout preceding that Sunday: The SPL/PLs must not miss more than one monthly PLC during the six-month term of office.
Troop Outings (Camping and other external activities). The SPL and PLs must:
Attend Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) when scheduled.
Attend at least 80% of all Troop events, such as campouts & service projects (usually 6-10 events/6-months).
Exceptions to the Participation Policy are limited to legitimate emergencies and circumstances.
Scouts Leaders who are unable to meet their participation requirements will be asked to step down from their Leadership Positions and a special election will be conducted. Scouts who are asked to step down are ineligible from running for an elected leadership position for 4 months.
Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)
Elected by the Scouts to represent them as the top junior leader in the troop. Must be at least First Class.
Run all troop meetings, events, activities, and the annual program planning conference.
Runs the Patrol Leader's Council meeting.
Appoints other troop junior leaders with the advice and counsel of the Scoutmaster.
Assigns duties and responsibilities to junior leaders.
Assists the Scoutmaster with Junior Leader Training.
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL)
The second-highest-ranking junior leader in the Troop. Acts as the Senior Patrol Leader in the absence of the SPL or when called upon. He also provides leadership to other junior leaders in the troop.
Helps the Senior Patrol Leader lead meetings and activities.
Runs the troop in the absence of the Senior Patrol Leader.
Helps train and supervise the Troop Scribe, Quartermaster, Instructor, Librarian, Historian, & Chaplain Aide.
Serves as a member of the Patrol Leader's Council.
Assists the SM and the primary ASM.
Keeps track of troop equipment and sees that it is in good working order.
Keeps records on patrol and troop equipment
Makes sure equipment is in good working condition.
Issues equipment and makes sure it is returned in good condition.
Makes suggestions for new or replacement items.
Works with the Troop Committee Equipment Coordinator.
Keeps the troop records. He records the activities of the Patrol Leaders' Council and keeps a record of dues, advancement, and Scout attendance at troop meetings.
Attends and keeps a log of Patrol Leaders' Council meetings.
Records individual Scout attendance at troop activities.
Works with the Committee Treasurer.
Takes care of troop literature.
Sets up and takes care of a troop library.
Keeps records of books and pamphlets owned by the troop.
Adds new or replacement items as needed.
Keeps books and pamphlets available for borrowing.
Keeps a system for checking books and pamphlets in and out, and follows up on late returns.
Works with the Committee Merit Badge and Training Coordinator to ensure the library supports Troop programs.
Keeps a historical record or scrapbook of troop activities.
Gathers pictures and facts about past troop activities and keeps them in a historical file or scrapbook.
Takes care of troop trophies, ribbons, and souvenirs of troop activities.
Keeps information about former members of the troop.
Works with the Committee Publicity, Re-charter, and Advancement Coordinators.
Chaplain Aide
Works with the Troop Chaplain to meet the religious needs of Scouts in the troop. He also works to promote the religious emblems program.
Assists the Troop Chaplain with religious services at troop activities.
Tells Scouts about the religious emblems program for their faith.
Makes sure religious holidays are considered during troop program planning.
Helps plan for religious observance in troop activities, especially campouts and Courts of Honor.
Works with the Committee Chaplain.
Den Chief(s)
Works with the Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, and Den Leaders in the Cub Scout pack.
Knows the purposes of Cub Scouting.
Helps Cub Scouts advance through Cub Scout ranks.
Encourages Cub Scouts to join a Scouts BSA Troop upon graduation.
Assists with activities in the den meetings.
Is a friend to the boys in the Den.
Helps out at weekly den meetings and monthly pack meetings.
Advised by Troop SM & ASM and Cub Scout leaders in the Pack for which he is Den Chief.
Keeps Webelos Outreach and New Member Liaison informed of bridging prospects.
Sounds bugle calls as required.
First Call, Reveille, Mess, To the Colors, Officers, Drill, Assembly, Recall, Fatigue, Church, Fire, Swimming, Retreat, Call to Quarters, Taps.
Works with Troop SM and Committee Outdoor & Activities Coordinator.
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Serves in the capacity of an Assistant Scoutmaster except where legal age and maturity are required. He must be at least 16 years old and not yet 18. He's appointed by the Scoutmaster because of his leadership ability.
Functions as an Assistant Scoutmaster.
Performs duties as assigned by the Scoutmaster.
Troop Guides
Works with new Scouts. He helps them feel comfortable and earn their First Class rank in their first year.
Introduces new Scouts to troop operations and guides new Scouts through early Scouting activities.
Shields new Scouts from any harassment by older Scouts.
Helps new Scouts earn First Class in their first year.
Teaches basic Scout skills.
Coaches the patrol leader of the new Scout patrol on his duties.
Works with the patrol leaders at Patrol Leaders' Council meetings.
Attends Patrol Leaders' Council meetings with the patrol leader of the new Scout patrol.
Counsel's individual Scouts on Scouting challenges.
Works with Troop SM, ASM, and Patrol Mentors.
OA Representative
Serves as a communication link between the lodge or chapter and the troop and sets a good example.
Encourages year-round and resident camping in the troop.
Encourages older Scout participation in high adventure programs.
Encourages Scouts to actively participate in community service projects.
Assists with leadership skills training in the troop.
Encourages Arrowmen to assume leadership positions in the troop.
Encourages Arrowmen in the troop to be active participants in the lodge and/or chapter activities and to seal their membership in the Order by becoming Brotherhood members.
Patrol Leader
Provides leadership to members of his patrol and represents them on the patrol leaders' council.
(number of Patrols determined by the number of Scouts in Troop and Scoutmaster considerations based on circumstances)
Appoints the Assistant Patrol Leader, who represents his patrol when the Patrol Leader cannot be present.
Represents the patrol on the Patrol Leader's Council.
Plans and steers patrol meetings; builds Patrol spirit.
Helps Scouts advance.
Acts as the chief recruiter of new Scouts.
Keeps patrol members informed and helps the patrol get ready for all troop activities
Knows what his patrol members and other leaders can do.
Works with Troop SM, ASM, and Patrol Mentor.
Assistant Patrol Leader is determined by Patrol and approved by the ASM Mentor.
Outdoor Ethics Guide (formerly Leave No Trace Guide)
Teaches Scouting principles and skills on all outings such as camping and other outdoor
Instructs Troop and ensures that the Troop follows Leave No Trace and Tread Lightly! principles.
With the SPL/PLs, verifies the Troop has left campsites & other facilities clean prior to Troop departing the area.
Knots and Lashings Instructor
Teaches Scouting skills regarding Knots and Lashings.
Instructs Troop on Knots and Lashings.
Inspects camp gadgets, rope bridges, etc, for safety.
First Aid & Firem’n Chit & Totin’ Chip Instructors
Teaches Scouting skills regarding First Aid; carrying and using woods tools; carry matches and build campfires.
Instructs Troop on First Aid, woods tools, and fire.
Serves as subject matter expert on all aspects of First Aid, fire, knife, ax, saw use, and safety.
Maintains Troop First Aid kit—inspects to ensure contents are within shelf life.
Coordinates with QM to make sure Troop equipment (fire-related, knives, axes, saws) is properly cared for & stored.
Patrol QM
Same as Troop Quartermaster, but at Patrol level. Normally rotates by activity and is responsible for clean-up and turn-in to the Troop QM, as appropriate, for storage by the Troop.
Patrol Grubmaster
Same as Troop Grubmaster, but at Patrol level. Normally rotates between Patrol members depending on activity.