Troop 1396

Lake Ridge, Virginia

Scouter & Committee Positions



The Scoutmaster is selected and recruited by the Troop Committee and approved by the Charter Organization Representative. The Scoutmaster must be at least 21 years of age. Serves at the satisfaction of the Troop Committee and the Charter Organization Representative. Reports to: Troop Committee Chair. Duties: 

Train and guide the Troop's youth leaders. 

Assistant Scoutmasters – Patrol ASMs & Patrol Mentors

Assistant Scoutmasters are selected by the Scoutmaster with the assistance of the Troop Committee. They serve at the satisfaction of the Scoutmaster and the Troop Committee. They may be 18 years old, but at least one must be 21 or older.  Reports to: Scoutmaster.  Duties: 

Assistant Scout Master - Life to Eagle Coordinator (Comm) Life to Eagle Advisor

Acts as a resource for Life Scouts preparing to work on the Eagle rank.  This could be an ASM or a Committee position. Reports to: Committee Chair and Scoutmaster. Duties:

Chartering Organization Representative (COR)

The Charter Organization Representative (COR) is the head of the Charter Organization’s "Scouting Department".  The COR is appointed by, serves at the satisfaction of and reports to the Chief Executive of the Charter Organization. 


The committee is the Troop’s Board of Directors.  These positions are all important to the smooth functioning of the Troop.  Committee Chair may designate Troop adults to more than one adult position, depending on Troop requirements; while these positions are identified with the Committee, ASMs may also fill these positions.  All Committee Members who are not ASMs are appointed by the CC and report to the CC and Troop Committee.


All registered adults are members of the Troop Committee. The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters are non-voting members. All other registered adults have a single vote. All adult leaders must be approved by the Committee Chair and the Charter Organization Representative after a reference check. Duties: 

Committee Chair (CC)

The Troop Committee Chair is selected by the Charter Organization Representative to organize the Troop Committee. Serves at the satisfaction of the COR and Troop Committee. Reports to: Charter Organization Representative. Duties: 


The Secretary is responsible for keeping minutes of troop committee meetings and handling troop correspondence. Duties: 


Maintains all troop finances, collects dues and fees and pays troop bills.  Duties: 

Re-charter and Membership  Coordinator

Coordinates the annual re-charter for the troop.  Duties:

Webmaster & Data Base Coordinator

Maintains Troop 1396 Website.  Duties:

Outdoor & Activities Coordinator & Grubmaster

Secures reservations for troop activities/campouts, coordinates transportation, processes Tour Permits and necessary paperwork required to conduct the outdoor program.  Duties: 

Training Coordinator – Scouters / Adults

Coordinates all Troop Training for adults and as required to assist the ASMs for Scouts.  Duties:

Quartermaster & Equipment Coordinator

Responsible for procurement and maintenance of troop equipment.  Duties: 


Promote the pursuit of the 12th point of the scout law "A scout is reverent".  Duties: 

Medical Documentation Coordinator and Troopmaster Documentation Coordinator

Assists various adults in maintaining the Troopmaster database of troop member addresses, phone numbers, e-mails, training, medical forms, vehicle lists, and related documents. Duties:

Adult Recognition

Troop's "duty expert" on adult recognition awards.  Duties:

Publicity Coordinator

Prepares Troop-related news articles and submits to local newspapers, Scout Life and Scouter Magazines, and NCAC newspapers.  Duties: 

Advancement Coordinator

The Advancement Coordinator maintains troop advancement records and promotes rank advancement. Duties: 

Internet Advancement (IA)

This is a new position based on the National Capital Area Council (NCAC) requirements to update information formerly held at the Troop level in a higher-level database.  Duties include:

Cyber Chip Coordinator

Works with the Cyber Chip Trainer to ensure Scouts complete the necessary requirements to earn Scout and Star advancement. Duties:

Webelos Outreach and New Member Liaison and Membership Coordinator

Critical position to ensure a steady influx or new Scouts from Cub Scouts / Webelos, and from Scouts new to our area.  

Duties include:

Troopwear & Uniform Bank Coordinator

Maintains uniform bank of selected uniform items.  Duties:

Roundtable Representative

Troop's representative to the monthly District Roundtable meeting.  Duties

Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator

Facilitates identifying and locating Merit badge counselors.  Duties:

Merit Badge Counselors

Merit Badge Counselors are subject matter experts for the Merit Badges they counsel either through vocation or hobby.

Court of Honor and Family Activity Coordinator

Coordinator for all COH and family events involving Troop members.  Duties:

POCs for Specific Activities - Scouting for Food, Christmas Tree Sales, Popcorn Sales

Discusses Christmas Tree and Popcorn and such activities in general.  As we have stated on numerous occasions, we understand the value of time to both our Scouts and their parents; thus we usually do not have to do fundraising projects.  In general, we would prefer that Scouting time be committed to Scouting activities instead of fundraising.  However, we do have Scouts who prefer to earn money for their Scouting activities.  Therefore we made the following decisions.o